Moving Forward Together

Paychex is proud to partner with your association. We can help members like you reduce the burden and risk of administering payroll and HR tasks on your own.

Fill out the form below to learn more about how Paychex can help.

Offering You the Benefit of a Single HR Solution

Paychex Flex®, our all-in-one HR, payroll, and benefits technology and service platform, can help you effectively manage your workforce today and as your needs change and grow, all from your desktop or mobile devices.

  • Recruiting and applicant tracking
  • Hiring and onboarding
  • Time and attendance
  • Payroll services
  • HR and compliance services
  • Health insurance managemen
  • Retirement plan administration and recordkeeping

What You Can Expect

Add Value to Your Business

Since your association has a relationship with Paychex, you may be eligible for special pricing on our industry-leading HR solutions, adding even more value to your business.

Free Yourself to Focus on your Business

Our solutions are designed with business administrators — and their time — in mind. We can help you save time and resources so that you can focus on what’s important: your growth and success.


"It makes it difficult to scale off a paper-based business, so we recognized that we really needed to become a digital business …. One of the big driving forces (to switch providers) was that we felt Paychex was going to have … a more robust system."

Jason Himber CEO
Easy Speech Therapy Center

Resources for Association Members

Our webinars, articles, and videos contain best practices to help you handle business challenges.

Live and Recorded Webinars

View our webinars featuring many of today's leading experts in the payroll and HR industry.

Articles and Videos

Go in-depth with our dedicated articles and videos.

  • Ethisphere award for world's most ethical companies 2024. 16-time honoree.
    World's Most Ethical Companies
  • Fortune award for one of America's most innovative companies 2024
    America's Most Innovative Companies
  • Software-as-a-Service vendor award for Customer Service Satisfaction in 2022
    Customer Service Satisfaction
  • One of the World's Top Training Organizations. 22-time award honoree.
    Top Training Organization
  • Largest U.S. 401(k) Recordkeeper
    Largest U.S. 401(k) Recordkeeper
  • BIG Innovation Award for business and product innovation in 2023
    BIG Innovation Award
  • HR Tech award for best SMB-focused solution 2023
    Best SMB-focused Solution
  • Brandon Hall gold and bronze awards for excellence in technology 2022
    Excellence in Technology Award