On-Demand Webinar

Recruiting and Retaining Top Talent by Becoming an Employer of Choice


April 25, 2019   |  3:00 p.m. EST

Today’s job seekers are interested in more than a paycheck. They’re looking for employers that reflect their values. Company culture, work/life balance, opportunities for professional advancement--all of these factors come into play.

The challenge for employers? Unemployment numbers are low and the competition for talent is fierce. Simply posting your job online and offering a competitive salary may not cut it.

In this free seminar, you’ll learn how becoming an “employer of choice” is a smart way to attract and retain new employees, while adding value to your current workforce.

Discussion topics include:

  • The skills and abilities of an ideal employee
  • The power of a positive workplace
  • HR management trends that help you attract quality employees
  • Intangible and tangible rewards
  • Using benefits as an enticement

About Presenter's Name

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