Free On-Demand Webinar

Paychex Compliance Update: New Sales Tax Laws


February 28, 2019  |  3:00 p.m. EST

Register for “Navigating the Evolving Sales Tax Landscape”, a 30-minute webinar that details the current sales tax climate and the key considerations to help you prepare for sales tax compliance.

In this webinar, you’ll learn about the potential impact on your business and how to adapt to this more complicated sales tax landscape.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Highlights of the Supreme Court ruling and the implications for business
  • The current sales tax climate
  • The importance of scrutiny and due diligence in sales and use tax
  • Key considerations to help you prepare for sales tax compliance

About Presenter's Name

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Mauris pretium condimentum enim non venenatis. Cras interdum laoreet semper. Morbi eget enim

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